Previously, Date360.net brought you Top 10 Things You Eat That Destroys Your Teeth. For every problem, there must be a viable solution. The following are six easiest ways to whiten your teeth:
1. Brush your teeth immediately?
Why have I put a question mark here? The reason is that after consuming all those acidic and highly colorful foods mentioned above, the tooth enamel is softer and weaker, so vigorous brushing will further damage it.Experts say that it is better to wait about half an hour before brushing your teeth.
2. Don’t forget your tongue
Your tongue accumulates a lot of waste matter which, if left there, will continue to discolor your teeth. If you want whiter teeth, it is better to brush your tongue on a regular basis so that you are removing this toxic dump!
3. Use apple cider vinegar (ACV)
This is a double-edged sword as it is rather acidic so it can potentially damage the tooth enamel. But if you rinse your mouth really well, then brush with your regular toothpaste, you will probably see some good results. Most people say that you have to do this consistently for about a month.
4. Apples, celery, and cauliflower are great
If you are fond of very colorful fruits such as berries, it is always a good idea to eat an apple to finish off your fruit snack. Apples are great to bite on, are a light color, and act as a detergent to keep your teeth white. As you chew on an apple, it acts as a sort of toothbrush by scrubbing your teeth gently. Pears are just as good. As regards veggies that are just as useful, go for carrots, celery and cauliflower. Check out the other tooth-whitening foodshere.
5. Drink water after eating citrus fruits
When you eat oranges or other citrus fruits, try to rinse your mouth with water immediately afterwards as this will rinse away all that acid.
6. Everyone needs their dental hygienist
Whether you opt for getting your teeth whitened by a professional or not, a visit to the dental hygienist or dentist just for teeth cleaning is a great way to keep those teeth sparkling white. Removing plaque and giving teeth a thorough cleaning every six months will help you keep that great smile impeccable!
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