Wednesday 8 October 2014

Is Playing Hard To Get Good Or Bad?

Many times, ladies are advised to follow “The Rules” to catch a man.

And most times, these rules are all about playing hard to get. For example, we are told not to be cheap, don’t call him all the time, once in a while purposely miss his calls and don't call back till he calls again, always end the date first, don’t open up too fast, you know, plenty rules.
Dear Date360 men, what do you think about these rules? What do you SINCERELY think about ladieswho play hard to get? Is it good or bad? You meet a girl, you think she's hot, do you want her more when she's hard to get?

Ladies: Have you had better luck getting guys when you've been hard to get or when you be friendly to them?

Please guys, also enlighten us more as to what and what ACTIONS you consider as being cheap with regards to ladies and those that will also mean a lady is just too much trouble/uptight.
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