Chocolate Eclairs
Dead leaves, airy mornings and cold palms, reminder of a vast hollow spread ahead. Long night, muffled feelings and soaked pillows. Innocent games turned into wars of betrayal. Caught in a web, own web of undoing, seeking the loose end so evasive. Hurt. Weakened. The ripple effect of playing with a fire so cold it burns hotter than hell. Engulfed in self-kindled fire,walls splashed with hand-writings but the blind eye had taken over. Chasing the wild goose after the wind, building gargantuan castles in the air. We watched the pipe dreams go down the drain. A drain so deep our demons are screaming for help, gnawing at the hollows of our beings. Obsessions,we know our weakness, but time is far spent. Damages far done. Regrets race through our hearts,threatening to rip it apart. Caught up in our own nemesis,we reminisce on our mistakes,undoings and deliberate errors. We can only lick our sores and wish we did not have them,Look at the havocs and wish for a time travel. One into the past,one to make amends but time, time is on a chariot, a chariot of hurricanes. Stay on its path? Get blown away? We would give two eyes and an ear to. This evil,how do we get rid of it? Place a heck on it? Burn it alive on a stake? Holy water? We need distraction. Distractions. Vulnerability lurks like shadows in the dark, ready so suck the last gleam of life out of us. This tiny blob of pain, carve it out with a knife and while we hurt and bleed, fill it with salt. Hurt us back to life,so we may live. Give us hope, turn our chocolate eclairs into diamonds
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