Monday 9 March 2015

TOP POST::: 6 reasons why you haven’t found true love (Must See)

True love - It’s time to give your dating game a serious upgrade. Do your friends all seem happily in love while you struggle to find a date? Do you find yourself envious of other people because they have what you want? Are you losing your faith because of it? 

    Many people begin to question their faith when they don’t seem to be able to find “the One.” Keeping the faith is a hard pill to swallow because you must believe in the invisible.
    The uncertainty of what is to come kills you on the inside to the point that you find yourself simply giving up the dream. I’ve seen so many times where people give up hope just when their dreams were almost realized. Let’s explore some of our most common excuses for being unable to find love: 

    6. “All men (or women) are no good!” 

    FALSE. Do you really believe this? Many times, when I hear people say this, I know they have been hurt in their past and they’re letting their past dictate their future. They all say they’re over their ex, but the residue of bitter feelings still remains and poisons the next relationship. If you need to cry, meditate or find some other constructive way to vent your feelings, do that. Just don’t take it out on your future companion, hurting your chances of having a great relationship with the next person.

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