Monday 27 April 2015

Tosyn Bucknor is not as pleasant as You think she is (Photos)

We gotta admit that media personality Tosyn Bucknor has got a beautiful and attractive charisma, there is never a dull moment with her, we love her personality however we have to call a spade, a spade when need be.
She showed off her rude and not-so-pleasant side yesterday at the Nigerian Entertainment Conference at the Oceanview centre, Eko hotel, Lagos.

Upon her arrival at the event,  the petite radio host shunned all reporters who approached her for an interview.
Unlike other celebrities who were polite enough to answer questions, she chose to play a mini-god.

When one of the reporters asked ‘When did Tosyn become this rude’, some other reporters responded saying “She has always been rude and saucy, it didn’t start today.”
We chose to give her the benefit of doubt, discredit the murmurs and approached her separately.
“Hi Tosyn, we love your outfit.” She blushed and replied, “Thank you.” Then we asked “We would love to have a quick chat with you here or inside, where is fine for you?”
She paused and plainly said, “I can’t have it under this sun, it’s hot you know, I need to get inside.” Yet she didn’t feel the heat when our camera man asked her to pose for some quick shots.

We moved into the hall together, and surprisingly on getting in, she shunned us like we didn’t exist and moved on…like seriously?
She should have politely declined that she wasn’t interested in having any interview, we rest our case!

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