Sunday 12 April 2015

TOP POST::: Guys, 5 secrets you should never tell your girlfriend [MUST SEE]

Openness and honesty are very important in a relationship. But as certain topics begin to creep into your conversations with your current girlfriend, remember that there are just some things that she doesn’t need to know–ever! Here are 5 things your girlfriend shouldn’t know about.

    1. You’re ex-girlfriends
    Your current girlfriend shouldn’t know about your ex-girlfriends and the good memories you have of them. Talking about your ex with your current girlfriend can lead to resentment and unfair comparisons.

    2. Your friends’ bad habits
    It’s a bad idea to share all the dirty little secrets about your friends, especially those you hang out with on a regular basis. Chances are she won’t be cool with you grabbing drinks with your pal who always cheats on his wife? Telling her all of your friends dirty secrets will just cause her to not like them, not trust them, and will make hanging out with them an impossible task.

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