Wednesday 8 April 2015

Top 10 Signs The Man Wooing You Is Engaged Or May Be Married - For All Single Ladies


Although, It is know fact that there are females who deliberately date married men, But this article is specifically for girls who inadvertently fall for the lying tongues of men already in relationships and string along a girl who falls in love only to have her heart shattered that she had been dealing with a man who was just after having her as a side chic.This is not just for people who are mistresses without knowing it but many of the points can be applicable to wives whose husbands have mistresses.The saying goes that a criminal has to be lucky all the tile and the police just needs to be lucky one time to apprehend him is so trueThere are tell tale signs cheaters and deceives in relationships drop along the way

The following are the Top 10 Signs The Man Wooing You Is Engaged Or May Be Married

1 – He never takes you to his house
IMHO this is perhaps the most important sign.You don’t know his house,he discourages you and gives reasons you cannot visit.He prefers to come to your place or see you anywhere buy his house,there is a woman there.No ifs or buts.If you doubt mega unannounced and see if he won’t deny knowing who you are.
2 – He calls only at specific times
Similar to the third point but not the same
If he only calls during work hours or at certain specific times,he may be married.those are his only freetimes

3 – His stories don’t add up
A lie usually cannot stand except by the support of many other lies so if a man is telling conflicting stories about his relationship or former wife,there is a chance he is hiding something.Most people cannot remember the lies they told previously in the exact way they told it so when you pick up should be be on the alert

4 – Phone goes off while with him and he rushes out to take the calls
This is a big one, I had a friend whose husband would do this.He will jump out of bed and run off to answer phone calls,always speaking in very low tones and switches to yes and no and e he when she comes close,be warned. If he shuts off a ringing phone and starts texting continually afterwards.That is a sign not to be missed.he is telling lying to you or his wife about his location and probably apologizing for his absence. The frequency of the occurrences ought to set off a light bulb in your head.

5 – You hardly ever get him when you call he does most of the calling
Another good sign.There are certain times of the day,most people you know are home and relaxing at home.If you cannot get the man to answer his phone at those times or he prefers to text only,you should wonder why that is the case.There could be another woman and he is having his family time.

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