Monday, 6 April 2015

[Continuation] Top 10 Disgusting Things Guys Do Because of S*x

expensive phone for a lady and the lady dumped him in a wink exactly a week later. He asked me if it was proper he collected the phone back. Why buy what you cannot afford to lose?

6. Placing Ladies Over Their Friends
I have a friend who can ridicule his friends in the presence of ladies, in fact, this dude can order 500 guys out of his house the moment a lady he invited for straffing comes

7. Taking Condoms Everywhere
I have heard the story of a young dude who wanted to give an offering and a pack of condom fell to the ground during church service. Many dudes take condoms everywhere in case of necessity, it’s good though but it’s not something one should be proud of

8. Cohabiting

Personally, I have no atom of regard for students who live together just for s*xual relationship. More reasons why many guys cohabit is just to relief their konji without stress and struggle. Many end up with poor grades at the end of the semester/session and they blame it on lecturers

9. Intake Of Alcoholic Drink
It’s funny some dudes get high on alomo, osomo, jedi or weed without minding the health implications just because they want to show bedmatics superiority over a lady. I no know when s*x become Olympics oooo

10. Using Their Friend’s Parents’ House As Hotel
This is so disgusting. Why on earth would a dude take a lady to his friend’s parents” house just to get her laid. I have seen people doing it and I consider guys who allow their friends do that as guys who have no atom of regard for their parents

Top 10 Disgusting Things Guys Do Because of S-x

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