Saturday, 10 January 2015

Website Apologises to Justin Bieber for CK Image that Suggested he was Photoshopped

Justin Bieber got angry after a website made it look like Calvin Klein pumped up his muscles using Photoshop for their recently released ads. Immediately, his team fired off a demand letter threatening with a defamation case. Bieber's team wanted 2 things: remove the post and acknowledge the deception ... and today, they got just that! has issued an apology to Bieber saying they now accept that the image - which they posted that showed the pop star looking weedier and considerably less well-endowed - is a fake. Read their apology after the cut.

Hello new and old readers! 
Team Bieber sent BreatheHeavy a cease and desist letter because of the alleged un-retouched Calvin Klein photo we posted, asking we remove the picture in question as well as provide a retraction. 
Because BreatheHeavy is not about making anyone feel bad or intentionally stirring the pot (and are definitely not here for lawsuits), we shall retract the story per request.
Bieber denies the photo is real, and I respect that and will believe him. 
And to make up it, here’s a new quote from Justin’s trainer Patrick Nilsson, who says JB is packing.
“I can definitely confirm that he is a well-endowed guy. I sound weird saying that, but yes.”
You do, but way to back homeboy up. 

Additionally, Calvin Klein is defending the Biebs, saying he was nothing but a standup gentlemen throughout the shoot.
“Justin showed up early every day with amazing energy; he completely trusted us and gave it his all… He came alive when it was time to perform, especially when the drum kit came out — it was really impressive.”
No harm, no foul. 
We sincerely apologize to Bieber for the hit to his ego and to the millions of tweens on social media we upset: Swag swag swag, on you. Chillin’ by the fire while we eatin’ fondue. 
Much love,
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