Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Ever since the Ebola disease reached the United States of America, not a day has gone by without mentioning the deadly virus. The fear strong-arms people into taking preposterous safety restrictions.
While everybody panics about Ebola, the vast majority of people are not aware of what the virus actually is and what it does to an infected individual.
Ebola is a virus that targets the “creators of protein” in cells, takes over, then begins to replicate itself. The virus is able to hide itself from virus killing cells by creating indivisibility cloak-like surface proteins, which makes fighting Ebola especially difficult for the body.
As time goes on, the disease is making the immune system to, slowly and yet steadily, kill the body. Aside from creating hemorrhage and leaking between cells, Ebola primarily kills when a person’s body releases a massive amount of enzymes and an overabundance, and fatal amount, of immune cells being activated.
However, cannabinoids in marijuana have gained more and more of a reputation as a way to control and aid one’s immune systems. Dr. David B. Allen, medical director of Cannabis Sativa, Inc, and Brad Morehouse, founder of NewCure.org, both believe “the herb” can combat Ebola in the same way.
What is your opinion regarding this new cure? If it’s working, how often do you think we should “medicate” with the “restorer of health? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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